The Website Audit

Finding the right direction can be a game changer

Now that you're done with your website, you're unclear what to do next and don't know how to make it better.

I can help and give you that clear direction.

The Website Audit helps you make impactful changes to your website without spending energy fiddling around.

Discover all the worthwhile changes you can implement and make your website book your dream clients.

Nicole sitting on a wooden table with her notebook open
Top view of a woman writing on her laptop with a notebook and pen by her side

You did it!

Congrats on creating and designing your own website

Creating a website is tough! After hours of watching how-to videos on YouTube and dedicating all your free time to building your site, you're still not 100% sure if it's right.

You'd like to have someone to review your design, copy, and branding, and get professional advice on how to make it better.

Websites can be difficult when you're trying to do it all on your own

  • You feel comfortable enough to make the changes yourself, but you don't know what those changes are
  • You're unclear what worthwhile changes to make to your messaging and branding
  • You're tired of wasting energy fiddling around with your website
  • You're unsure if you have a consistent look that represents your brand
  • You've hit a wall and don't know what do to next
Hands of a woman on a desk with a laptop and decoration

Is this resonating with you?

I can help.

I can give you the tech guidance and candid feedback so you can make your website feel like your brand and attract your dream clients.

V — Audit

“Nicole has a knack for both catching minute details and seeing the larger picture. She's tremendously skilled in blending your story with who you're trying to reach and letting that information influence the direction she guides you in.

If you feel like you're not sure where to start, or you have already done a good deal of design on your own but know it could be better, the website audit and Nicole's expertise is an absolute game changer.

V. Ruiz
Vocational Astrologer, Psychic, and Espiritista
The Celestial Bruja

Tangible results you get in

The Website Audit

After the audit you'll be able to:

  • Immediately implement professional feedback that fits your website goals
  • Improve your branding and copy to connect with your audience and book more clients
  • Feel confident in the decisions you make on your website
  • Have clarity on what to do for your business in the short and long term
  • Focus on other areas of your practice knowing that your website supports your business

Does this sound like something you need to build your confidence and get new clients?

Nicole wearing a straw hat sitting in front of a wooden table with her laptop and notebook open

hola! I'm Nicole

I'll guide you to confidently create an amazing website

I create websites for a living and help holistic and intuitive businesses get more clients while staying authentic to their craft.

  • I understand your vision and respect your craft in a way that other designers don't
  • I'm committed to helping your business flourish because I truly believe in your craft
  • I value honesty above all. I give you clear feedback on what you can do and why

I want you to succeed. I’ll suggest what I think are the best actions that can have a bigger impact on your business.

Nicole seated in front of a coffee table working with her laptop and notebook

How it works

What you'll get in The Website Audit

What happens when you book an audit with me:

  • You'll answer a few questions about your business, your goals, and what challenges you're facing
  • We review your website in a 60-minute call
  • You'll get a detailed document listing everything we talked about during our call
  • You'll have a list of actionable tasks you can implement immediately, plus the reasons why I suggest those changes
  • You'll receive a recording of our call for you to review at any time
Lauren — Audit

“I wanted to optimize my offerings page and get professional advice for making my website more clear. I appreciate how Nicole thought about infusing more personality into each page of my website.

Nicole made it easy to understand why she was making the recommendations she did, and broke them down page-by-page. She gives you actionable advice that's easy to implement no matter what stage your website is in.”

Lauren Scungio
Akashic Reader & Energy Healer
Two women sitting in easy seat with prayer hands in front of their foreheads

Who's it for

The Website Audit is perfect for you if...

  • You want clear direction in what actions to take to make your website better without spending energy fiddling around
  • You want to make worthwhile changes to your messaging and services and don't know what those are
  • You've been thinking on implementing a new service but you're unsure of what tech to use
  • You feel like you've hit a wall on what do to next to optimize your site to book more clients
  • You feel like there's something you can do to improve your brand yet you're unclear on what that is
this might not be for you if...
  • You don't have a website or have yet to create one
  • You want someone else to create a website for you (I can help with that here)

Ready for a transformation?

Book your Website Audit here

Discover all the worthwhile changes you can implement and make your website book your dream clients.

USD $350

Book The Website Audit using the link below.

It'll take you to an external site in Stripe so you can complete the payment.

After the payment is complete, I'll send you an email with instructions on how to schedule our call — it can be anytime within the next 2 months

If you have any questions, email me at

A smiling woman with smiling eyes wearing an olive green beanie and a scarf.

“I knew I needed to make changes to my website but didn't want to waste energy fiddling around! I wanted them to be changes that were worthwhile.

Nicole gave me concrete direction during the website audit so now I know what to do. I feel confident and relieved and it was more than what I hoped for. I can now focus on other areas of my practice knowing that my website gives a better first impression.”

Aleksa Kaye
Herbalist & Master Gardener
Hale & Hart

Questions? I have answers

What exactly do I get?

Clear, actionable tasks you can take immediately after your audit.

We'll have an hour-long call where we review your website. You'll also get detailed notes and the call recording so that you can review everything whenever you want.

I just published my first site. Will this audit work for me?

Yep! I provide you actionable tasks that you can implement regardless of what stage your website or business is in.

I can help even if you haven't yet published and haven't launched, but have the design. I can give you feedback before you share your site with the world.

What happens after I book?

After you schedule and pay for the audit, you'll get an email from me with a short questionnaire so we can both come prepared to the audit.

During the 60-minute call, I will go through the most important changes you can make so that your site helps your business grow. We'll have time where I can answer any questions you have with things you've yet to implement on your site.

After the audit, I'll send you detailed notes with actionable steps and a recording of our call.

Do I need a website audit or a web design package?

That depends on the current state of your website and the level of expertise you have with web design.

Website Audit — if you feel comfortable making changes to your website and you're looking for guidance and reassurance. I give you feedback on what you've done and plan to do with your website.

Web Design Package — if you don't have the time, patience, or comfort level to make changes or create your website from scratch. I design the website for you.

Still unsure? Please reach out to me or book a time slot in my calendar. I'd be glad to give you my honest opinion on what would be the best decision for you.

Can you still help me if I offer multiple services, products, and content?

Of course! A website audit is helpful for any business, even if you're a product-based business or offer aaaaaall of the things.

I built my website audit process to provide completely personalized feedback that works for you. To better understand the stage you're in and your business goals, I'll send you a questionnaire before our call.

Do you offer different payment plans?

I offer a limited number of extended payment plans that are limited to those experiencing financial hardship and are available until they run out.

If your intuition is telling you to work together but you need financial support to do so, please send me an email about your situation so we can discuss other options. I'd be happy to find something that works for both of us. Remember that by reaching out you're also helping me create more inclusive services.

I want to help you build a business that supports the life you want.

Will this work for a product-based business?

Yes! This website audit works for everyone, regardless of what industry or stage you're in, or what you offer. I customize my feedback depending on your business and goals.

How long will this take?

Before our call, I'll send you a questionnaire that takes about 10 minutes to answer. And our call will last about 60 minutes.

I have another question.

Awesome! Send me an email to and ask away.

Let's do this

Ready to get clear and actionable website direction?

Schedule your website audit using the link below and get super clear on what are the best changes you can make to connect with your website visitors and book your dream clients.

By clicking the button, you'll go to an external site in Stripe to complete the payment.

After the payment is complete, I'll send you an email to schedule our call — it can be anytime within the next 2 months.

Nicole smiling and sitting on a white sofa with her laptop